Select Your SAT Plan!

Are you preparing to take the SAT and feeling overwhelmed by the amount of material you need to cover? Let our SAT tutorial plans help you achieve your best score! We offer personalized plans tailored to your specific needs, whether you’re looking to brush up on math, improve your reading comprehension, or master the essay section. With expert guidance and a flexible schedule, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Choose the plan that works best for you and start your journey to SAT success today!

Bronze Plan

1 hour tutorial
  • This plan includes one-on-one tutoring with an experienced SAT tutor
  • Great for students who need occasional help with specific topics or questions.
  • Perfect for students who want flexibility in their tutoring schedule.

Silver Plan

2 hour tutorial
  • This plan includes two hours of one-on-one tutoring with an experienced SAT tutor.
  • Great for students who need more focused help on specific topics or questions
  • Perfect for students who want to see improvement over a short period of time.

Golden Plan

4 hour tutorial
$1200 $1000/total
  • This plan includes four hours of one-on-one tutoring with an experienced SAT tutor
  • Great for students who want to cover a wide range of topics and improve their overall score.
  • Perfect for students who have a little more time to commit to studying for the SAT.

Platinum Plan

8 hour tutorial
$2400 $2000/total
  • This plan includes eight hours of one-on-one tutoring with an experienced SAT tutor
  • Great for students who need significant improvement in their SAT score and want comprehensive, personalized support.
  • Perfect for students who are serious about getting a high SAT score and are willing to put in the time and effort.

Diamond Plan

15 hour tutorial
$4500 $3500/total
  • This plan includes fifteen hours of one-on-one tutoring with an experienced SAT tutor.
  • Great for students who need extensive support across all sections of the SAT and want to see significant improvement in their score.
  • Perfect for students who are dedicated to achieving their best possible SAT score.

Ultimate Plan

25 hour tutorial
$7500 $5000/total
  • This plan includes fifteen hours of one-on-one tutoring with an experienced SAT tutor.
  • Great for students who need extensive support across all sections of the SAT and want to see significant improvement in their score.
  • Perfect for students who are dedicated to achieving their best possible SAT score.
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